Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Is Google Making Us Stupid? Some may argue yes and others no. Scientific studies show a difference in the human brain from computers. Some results didn't even need deep scientific studies to show the results. For example,one man found that his friend's style of writing changed after the friend took on writing with the new typwriter. I believe that google is not what is making us stupid, it is the natural human tendency of taking short cuts. When one is typing, it takes them so much less time to get something on the page than when one is writing by hand. After we got used to getting work done fast, we started losing our vocabulary and other things just so we could get our job done faster. The article very deeply discusses this. I disagger with that notation. I believe we are making us stupid, not the internet.


  1. Tom- remember to begin your response with a clear topic sentence indicating what matters, why it matters, title and author. You also need to hyperlink to the original source. Also, connect your response to you personally, to education, and to the world around us. Good clear concluding sentence.

  2. Voice sounds higher try to become less nervous and get used to it.

  3. good eye contact and spoke clearly but slow down spoke kind of fast

  4. I think you did a good job. You had great posture and your presentation was organized very nicely. Awesome Job!

  5. Your kind of just rambling on and on at light speed tom. SLOW DOWN! Chill out and just talk about it. You don't need to hurry!

  6. You where speaking really fast like you where nervous but you still spoke loudley but i couldnt understan a thing you said and it was a long conservation.

  7. Great attention-grabber. Add more personality to your presentation. Slow down when you talk. Seriously. I loved the way you put your opinion.

  8. You talk really fast and it was hard to understand somtimes. But you have good eye contact.

  9. hand in pocket at times very long and not small points try shortening it down next time

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. good posture, I liked the way that unlike the other presentations you looked you aduince in the eye and looked like you had done it before. Long presentation next time try and shorten your notes. Good presentation next time slow down!

  12. i dont think that we will be smart because we would make abreviation and not learn to much.

  13. You dont seem nervous, and you seem prepared. It looks like you have practiced. Way to connect with the story and bring it to the presentation. Way to connect with what matters to world, education, and education. Good question.

  14. Need to stop playing with shirt hold paper with both hands, you move around alot. And say the question more clearer

  15. Very good speaking and preparing. Just stop moving your feet back and forth. Had some very good points in your story. You could just look up from your notes a little more.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. good job being prepared, but your only mess up was dropping your paperr!

  18. Good begining, speaking fast not slow, that is a good thing,kinda moved alot.

  19. Good job on making points and sharing your information. Also, good conclusion and question.

    You should slow down so you can speak more clearly next time.

  20. Tom you had a great presentation and your question actually made sence.

  21. Hold on to your paper! No, it was a great speech. You weren't nervous, you had practiced I'm sure, and your question had people talking. Just remember to consider what others are saying because you didn't seem to care when Mrs. Smith had another point of view.

  22. good job talking clearly and standing straight. you speech was clear and the question made me think.

  23. You looked nervous try to relax and don't drop your paper, it looks unprofessional.

  24. you had very good notes and very good points a little bit of studering.

  25. you did very good, didnt seem that nervous and had great notes and really good posture.

  26. Good posture,lots of thought behind it
